Kaugnay na larawan 
People says that laughter is the best medicine  for us to relieve our pain. It's just like laugh as much as you you breath and love as much as you breath. When you can't do anything else, then just laugh. Sometimes you just need to smile to cover up the pain. Sometimes you just need to laugh to cover up the hurt. There are millions of things going in on our life. When time changes, things also change too, but the only thing that never change no matter how much times has passed, is memories as well as the laughter. Memories are such a precious thing, they can always make me laugh whenever I think of them, especially those funny and laugh trip moments.

                                                    Resulta ng larawan para sa laughtrip

  In my life, funny moment happens to me all the time, it is very hard to choose just only one funniest moment. However, here is one of the funniest that I remembered and never be forgotten.

                                                           Resulta ng larawan para sa laughtrip

It  happened a months ago, last February when I was still a grade ten student that time. So, I have a lucky best friends named SEAN and BADZ. They are always my buddies, my tandems and my partner in crimes when it comes to funniest  moments. We treated one another as sisters for life because we've been through a lot of challenges either happiness or sadness and they are also being part of my journey life. I want to share with you about the funniest moments when we were together. So this just what happened, It was just a typical and normal day for us. We don't have any idea of what will be happening to us since it was just a normal day. My best friends and I was so getting bored that time and yet we don't have any idea what we are going to do. My best friend SEAN decided to go hang out and visit to their place in GANGO, Ozamiz City where she lived in. When we arrived to their place, we are just staying in their house make a lot of funny conversations and it will not be complete without a food trip as well. After all a lot of conversation, we felt bored again. So, SEAN decided again to go swim together with us in the river since it will just take a minutes to go there from their house. It was so very funny and we were shocked about what she have said to us. Me and BADZ can't stop laughing because ourselves was not prepared and we didn't bring any shirts to wear in swimming. We are also joking that if we insist just to go swimming, our underwear will get wet and we don't have anything else to wear after. We are laughing hard together. Imagine that all was unplanned and we never expected that will gonna happened to us. It was also my third day of period last time but then I was so thankful it was just getting rid since it already going to end up. As in we don't bring any stuffs and others, but the only thing that we have just bring was only our presence there. Even though our parents don't have also any idea on what we are doing that time since they are expecting that we are just in school but suddenly no, we are just so very busy hanging out with each other and doing our adventurous time. We don't mind anything else, all we wanted to do was just we are thinking to be happy and take the moment as memorable day for us. We insist to go swimming since we don't have bring any things to wear, SEAN borrowed us her clothes and we are struggling because we can't wait to swim in the river and we were very excited since it was my very first time. We bought some foods so that we have something to eat there. When we got arrived to the river it was just the three of us there enjoying swimming and enjoying the moment together with them. We also felt something nervous but we didn't just mind that. We are enjoying their swimming until we want to, while eating junk foods and others. After all the enjoyment in swimming in the river, we went home to SEAN's house and taking a shower their, changing our wet clothes and let ourselves  dry so that when we got home our parents will not perceive us that why we are so wet specially our hair that's why we've been staying for just two hours in my best friend's house until ourselves get dry and waiting the time to went home. However, when I was just got home I am just acting that there was just nothing happen but in my self there it is. After that day, when we were in school we can't deny that we can't stop laughing after all what just happened. We are enjoying ourselves remembering and replaying the moments we've doing that time until the time goes by. That time was also our memorable moment we have spend together that was happened and never be forgotten in our life.
                                               Kaugnay na larawan
I can't deny the fact that while I'm typing this happy and funny moments we had spend together , I just really missing it so bad. Now as I look back on all those time, it turned out to be a very funny memory which painted the smile on my face. As I have mentioned before, memories are precious because they would never change and always give me reasons to smile whenever I open the drawer of the past.

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